24 October–23 November 2019

“So, which sign am I?” – said while beaming with a fantastic smile – is the number one reaction I get when people find out that I am an astrologer. Earnest students of astrology, of course, know that the ability to determine the sun sign without looking into a person’s chart has little to do with the work of an astrologer (who is, mostly, not a psychic, but whose job it is to analyse and interpret well the many different factors of a birth chart and convey his/her findings skilfully and compassionately to their client). Nonetheless, over the years, I became intrigued to see if I could indeed see another’s sign, and found myself continuously stumped by certain individuals that, for the life of me, I could not place. Funnily, these people always turned out to be Scorpio.

Scorpios, to me, always feel like they could be any other sign but Scorpio. I believe this is due to two main reasons: 1. Scorpios can vary widely in their expression (depending on their maturity and overall spiritual evolvement), and 2. they are intensely private and hence excellent at hiding their true feelings. So, the notoriously overbearing, controlling and vengeful Scorpio, ready to sting their venomous poison into you out of the blue (a widely circulated characterisation of this sign), can not be seen. Instead, we face a totally calm individual with a seemingly detached exterior.

There is no doubt that, in the eyes of the general public, Scorpio has the worst reputation of all Zodiac signs. It is not uncommon that a Scorpio will lower their voice when disclosing their sun sign – unlike Leo, who will dramatically declare the royalty of their astral heritage. Scorpios do not like revealing their private life, except to a select few. Probing and peering are not welcomed – and, for that matter, are fruitless. Rather than a love of secrets per se, it is actually the need to avoid being emotionally hurt that guards Scorpio’s emotional privacy and integrity.

Scorpio’s greatest fear is that of betrayal. Anyone who has ever witnessed a Scorpio open up about their deepest inner workings may just be gobsmacked at the sheer force of passion – be it love or hate. Unfortunately, for the most part, society does not appreciate the whole spectrum of human emotions, which we all share, no matter what our sign. The expressions of envy, jealousy, hatred and intense passion are often labelled as unbalanced, low frequency (by New Agers), too attached (by Buddhists), unholy or sinful (maybe by Christians), etc.

But it is the natural ability, and need, to feel intensely these darker human emotions that gives Scorpios this attraction and powerful magnetism. Others feel that they can safely open up to them about their experiences in the midst of total crises, and that they will not be judged. Scorpio can act as the natural Shaman, easily bearing witness to others’ upheavals with deep emotional sensitivity and insight, and acting as a midwife to overcome their own and others’ trauma.

Unless others placements in the chart indicate materialism, Scorpios are not attached to material possessions and can mostly survive on a shoestring. Strong commitment and incredible resourcefulness give this sign what it takes to achieve whatever it wants, no matter how long it takes. Negatively, this can at times lead to obsessiveness and overbearing behaviour. As Scorpio does not recoil from dangerous situations or subjects widely considered taboo, it will delve deeply into mysteries, the occult, and topics like death and sex – you name it – in order to get to the bottom of things and understand life in the deepest way possible. With their innate intuition and political awareness, Scorpios have an understanding of the harsher realities of life, which makes them great investigative journalists and researchers. This sign likes to uncover emotional or political intrigues, and therefore excels in the fields of psychotherapy and police work.

In relationships, Scorpios can be extremely loyal. Once they have opened up to you and a commitment has been made, they are determined to stick around for the long run. A strong attachment to people and relationships can, however, lead to possessiveness and controlling behaviour if left unchecked. Scorpio does not like second place. At the same time, a Scorpio’s need to restrain and control their very strong passions can cause loved ones to feel left out and frustrated; when Scorpio broods and refuses to share its feelings and thoughts, others may experience this as selfishness. Here, Scorpio can loosen the reigns and discern when their strong survival instinct and urge for self-preservation is unnecessarily kicking in and when it creates a real barrier to intimacy and closeness. More than any other fixed signs (especially Taurus and Leo), it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for Scorpio to forgive and forget once hurt has been received. And yes, in extreme cases, this sign seeks revenge.

The less mature Scorpio can cause great chaos while staying strategically calm and unchanged. Having many planets in Scorpio, or having Pluto in major aspect to personal planets (see birth chart), indicates an individual with tremendous power. Negatively used, Scorpio´s incredible stamina, determination and tenacity becomes a destructive force againts itself or others. This sign will then act as a seducer, using people for personal gain and wanting others to merge with it no matter what. Astrologer Alan Oken terms this the ‘psychic vampire’. Having said that, this is the extreme case. At some point, Scorpio will recognise that with great power comes great responsibility, and that getting his or her way through manipulation is hugely dissatisfying and does not diminish underlying fears. Only self-acceptance and the courage to show vulnerability will, in the end, conquer unacknowledged feelings of insecurity.

Scorpio seeks to transform or to be transformed by profoundly emotional experiences. By fully accepting its passionate feelings and converting destructive behaviour to pure energy and compassionate action, it can gain strength and become whole. Astrologer Robert Hand says that the capacity for regeneration of an average Scorpio must be seen to be believed, and that, in dealing with physical illness or emotional scarring, this sign is a fighter and will often pull through in even the most challenging of scenarios, thanks to its deep-seated will to survive. At its best, Scorpio is creative through rebuilding. It is the natural healer and a strong and loyal friend – inspiring faith, giving strength and seeking to merge with the divine.




To find out about how much Scorpio you have in your chart and to unleash the transformative power that comes with self-knowledge, explore your birth chart in an astrological reading with Daliah, The Highgate Astrologer. Find out more about astrology consultations or book an astrology reading here.

This article was published in October 2019 in Glasshouse Journal: https://www.glasshousejournal.co.uk/post/astrology-with-daliah-roth-scorpio